Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Uncle Micheals Happy RC Birthday Weekend

My drive up to surprise my Uncle Micheal for his birthday was a looong one. I couldn't wait until we got there, so it probably felt longer than it actually was. I was excited to go up because I would get to see Evan, one of my favorite cousins! I don't get to see him very often, so seeing him on this trip was a pretty big bonus.

When we got to Uncle Michael's house, he was really surprised! He thought we wouldn't be able to come visit, but we had secretly been planning the trip with his wife, my Aunt Alisa. We gave him a  small present. It was his very own Monskey! (If you don't know what that is, it will remain a mystery!) Then we gave him a big present which he totally wasn't expecting. Dad and Aunt Alisa had bought him an RC truck! It's called a Stampede and it is a 4x4 with a brushless motor. If you don't understand "RC talk", let's just say it's a really good thing. Uncle Micheal was sooooo happy and very surprised!

Of course, Uncle Michael needed to test out his new RC, so we went to play RC at the church property. Anthony, one of my cousins, was there! We had loads of fun playing together. We shot water balloons from a giant slingshot and almost hit the road which was very far away. Then Mom and I went to pick blackberries. They were so delicious! Then we went over to watch the boys do RC time. Anthony broke his RC before he drove it off a ramp, so sad, but we had fun watching the dads play. I think Uncle Michael really enjoyed his new truck.

That night it was time to go to Aunt Alisa's parent's house for dinner and an outdoor movie. We were excited. (Again) When we got there, Natalie and I started to pick blackberries. They were also delicious! While dad and Uncle Michael were setting up for the movie night, we picked boysenberries, blackberries and pears. (We have enough berries to make jam with!) We also herded the ducks and Natalie went to see the horses.

We had a bbq with all sorts of yummy food. I ate a bratwurst and some chips. Dad said I had to have some veggies, so I had one cauliflower and one broccoli. Mrs. Molen (Aunt Alisa's mom) helped me to make lemonade using real lemons, honey and water. It was the best lemonade I have ever had!

We sat down in front of the big outdoor movie screen with our dinner and watched "Gnomeo & Juliet". It was a fun movie. My favorite character was definitely Featherstone!

The next day was Sunday, and after church, it was time to go to the restaurant "Claim Jumpers" to celebrate Uncle Michael's birthday as well as my Grandpa Ron's birthday and my Aunt Teresa's birthday, since they all have early September birthdays. I was really excited, because I would finally get to see Evan! When we got there I ordered strawberry lemonade for a drink, then about ten minutes later, Evan arrived! We were talking until the rest of the people arrived. (We have a big family, so it took a while for all 27 people to show up!)

The dinner was delicious! I had two mini burgers and french fries. We visited together and sang "Happy Birthday" to all the birthday folks. After dinner, Mom let me go home with Evan! Yay!! When we arrived at Evan's house, he gave us a tour of his world on "Minecraft". Then we played together for hours until Mom and Dad came to pick us up.We had so much fun.

Parting is such SAD sorrow, especially from Evan's house! We spent the night at Uncle Michael's house and watched "Megamind" with them. Now they also know how to speak in CODE:

CODE: The End


  1. That was SO much fun! I love seeing what you come up with and how you write it! Code: You're awesome!

  2. Code: Great job on the blog! I love reading it! I thought it was funny, interesting and great to read. I can't wait for the next one! :)

  3. Goeie genade knaap! Jy skryf darem maar baie! Ek moet se dat ek dit geniet om al jou eksperimente te lees. Hou so voort!!!
