Sunday, September 18, 2011

Skuimpies (Meringues)

DIE-rections: You'll need a KitchenAid mixer (or other mixer), 3 egg whites, food coloring (optional), 1 teaspoon vanilla and 1 cup sugar.


Make sure that you separate the egg whites from the egg yolk carefully. It can be tricky! Then set the egg yolks aside and have your sister (or mom) make you an omlete later. Then pour the egg whites into a chilled mixing bowl. (I put mine in the fridge for a few minutes.) Add the food coloring and vanilla. Start beating the eggs at medium high speed until they become frothy.

Graaaaadually add the sugar. It will become stiff and form peaks. Now you are ready to scoop tablespoon sized drops onto a foil lined cookie sheet. You should place the meringues 1 inch apart on the cookie sheet. Put it in a 275 degree pre heated oven for 90 mins. When they're done, allow them to cool, then they will peal off of the foil easly.

Conclusion: DELICIOUS!!! After you take your first bite, you'll notice that they are sort of hollow in the middle. That's pretty cool to see. They're a lite and fluffy treat that I think you'll love, too! 

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