Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Comb Collector

Hypothesis: I think that by rubbing a plastic comb on a wool sweater, charging it up with static electricity, it will pick up the small pieces of tissue paper.

DIE-rections: You will need a wool sweater, a plastic comb, and tissue paper.

First tear up the tissue paper into little bits, then charge the comb with static electricity by rubbing it vigorously on the wool sweater. Slowly wave the comb above the tissue paper bits. At least one piece should stick.

Conclusion: The tissue paper stuck to the comb, because it was charged with static electricity. I think it was pretty cool.

1 comment:

  1. Aw, you didn't want to put my sweater on again? Lol, good job Max. I didn't know you could pick up paper with static electricity!
