Friday, October 28, 2011

Easy, Efficient, Clean Bird Feeders

Today we will make bird feeders by using the following:: Toilet paper rolls (withOUT the toilet paper),peanut butter and birdseed.

DIE-rections:: Smear the peanut butter all over the toilet paper roll. Then roll it in the bird seed, making sure that the seeds stick all over the roll. You can really press hard. After you do that, double check to make sure there isn't any peanut butter showing. Once you have gotten all the spots covered, you should use a ladder and hang the feeder in a tree. (You are not limited to make only one. Make as many as you please.)

Conclusion:: It is a healthy meal for birds. I hope you have fun making it! It should only take 10 minutes so you can make lots in a day! Have fun!!!!!

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